Loss, Loneliness, Love, Life

Like many people J started to experience hurt, sadness and loneliness where once she had company, happiness and love. These were beyond her control but as her depression deepened she was referred to Sharing Lives for befriending and a lovely transition was about to begin. 

J was caught up in her hurt and could see no way out. An initial phone-call seemed to offer little hope, but the offer of sharing some of the hurt and the giving of practical help was needed desperately. A meeting, an introduction, a little practical help, and the love and joy of a befriender who wasn't going to give up, but love J unconditionally as Jesus had loved them stepped in.

J began to soften but always reverted to her default position. J didn't want to hear about Christianity for what good would that be?

Over a couple of years the befriender has patiently loved, listened, chatted, supported and helped. Other people have offered practical support as needed and as opportunities allowed they gently introduced Jesus not just by speaking, but also in the living out of their lives before J. Constantly reminding J that she mattered, was loved, and had worth in the eyes of God.

The befriender often couldn't see the difference they were making in sharing Jesus, and the opportunity to talk about Him seemed weak and small, but God uses the seemingly weak things in the world to do great things. Over time J began to flourish and regain her independence, her trust in the befriender grew and they began to read the Bible together and J asked about coming along to church.

Quietly behind the scenes God was at work in J’s life through the patience and devotion of the befriender, and at the right time they have come to know that there is a loving God who never gives up, but His steadfast love is always available to those who call upon Him.


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Touch Wood and Whistle